Renate's Skincare

Jun 23, 2021

We love success stories…

This month we would like to showcase another success story from Legacy Balance’s extended family. Renate Klass, Managing Director of Futurethis and sole distributor of QMS, Team Dr Joseph and Skinny Green Products, has slowly and steadily built up her brands to become leaders in the South African beauty and wellness industries.

According to Renate, it all started when “the brand” she was using on her own skin (decanted into no-name bottles), which had been giving her brilliant results, was no longer available in the South African market. The local distributor had run into problems, and while her beautician suggested other brands, none of them worked as well. Spurred on by sheer determination, Renate decided to take the first step in acquiring the result-driven brand. She contacted QMS Medicosmetics in Germany directly and asked if she could become the South African distributor. The rest, as they say, is history.

Renate’s passion for the skincare industry grew because she genuinely believed in QMS Medicosmetics, and had committed herself to share it with as many people as she could. Becoming the sole distributor for QMS Medicosmetics was the easy part. It came with the responsibility of a whole new business and ensuring a continuous supply of high-quality, upmarket branding pushed to the challenging South African skincare industry. Being results-driven, the brand could sell itself, but for this to happen, Renate had to ensure that the primary marketing tool in her arsenal - “word of mouth” - was effective.

Renate believes that we should all be curious about our skin. “We are constantly bombarded by the media who know how to prey on our weaknesses and vulnerabilities, so we should question all the information we are given on the products we use and supplements we take,” she says. Renate believes and lives by the words of Roald Dahl: “If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely”. She continuously shares her positive mindset, expertise and confidence with our young professionals. Her positivity fosters confidence in those she connects with and, combined with the support of her superbly trained staff Renate ensures the best in skincare education for the therapists and management of the salons and spas that stock QMS.

Training at Futurethis is ongoing and focuses on what is needed and wanted at the time. Representing QMS, one of the best beauty products in the Spa and Skincare industry, Renate believes that a business must be fluid and flexible and is managed better with a small committed and agile team. Expanding the company could include new products that fit in with the current company ethos, but in the meantime, she remains focused on offering excellent customer service.

Thank you, Renate, for your contribution to our industry!

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